Nebular Store LLC Increasing Sales Using Influencer Ads

Customer owned a dropshipping business with 0 social media presence. The goal was to generate sales using influencer ads. One of the first couple steps we look at when working with influencers is their engagement score. A customer engagement score is a number that tells us how engaged an accounts followers are with their, how often they post, how many click etc. We aim for the highest score possible, using mathematical equations to come up with a generally decent number given the niche.


Oftentimes, you’ll have an account with a great deal of followers, but their engagement is from a country opposite of who your target market is. Or they may be generally engagement with a certain gender opposite of your target market. When these accounts are identified, we then reach out to them and negotiate a good price to charge per ad.

What Successful Influencer Stats look like

These are insights from in influencer we’ve used in the past what their insights look like:

Revenue Valve
Revenue Valve
Revenue Valve

Feel free to reach out to me or contact our agency if you ever need help setting up influencer ads!